Saturday 30 June 2012

Life Ten Months In

It doesn't seem possible that it's already been four full months since my last entry.  Where do the months go?  June already...soon, we'll have been in Scotland for a full year. 

I am still happy here, and our recent trips abroad have confirmed that for me.  First, it was to Tenerife, where although it's interesting and a great holiday spot, I don't the think I could cope with living that close to the equator and the heat that goes along with that.  But it was good to see family and even though Madison inevitably got sick (someone, it seems, always has to get sick on any trip we take), Cameron had a blast and we did lots of cool things like whale watching, which is something I'd always hoped to do.

Our trip to America was only two days after our return from Tenerife, so it was difficult to get motivated for another long plane ride.  But we did it.  We flew into Toronto and drove four hours to my parent's house....a bit worse for the wear, but in one peice.  After a few days of mom's food and some good rest, we all felt back to normal and healthy again.  We stayed for eight full days...two for traveling, and the girls enjoyed every minute.  We even had some family pictures taken.

It's always nice to come back home after a trip, but it was especially nice to for me to see Scotland again.  Scotland in the summer is beautiful, although the weather hasn't warmed up yet.  Apparently we missed the summer when we were in Tenerife, as we were informed that it was properly hot here that particular week.  But I still don't mind the cooler weather.  The country is a deep green right now, and the trees are thick and lush.  The azaleas that grow wild here are all in bloom...pinks, purples, whites.  All the wild flowers are out in full bloom and I'm enjoying our walks together more than ever.  My garden seems to be thriving, which I can't believe because normally I can't keep a house plant alive.

I like the pace of life here more and the accessability to big cities and excitment.  I love the train system and how easy it is to get anywhere.  Driving here is more interesting, and I feel like we've finally really settled into our house.  I am feeling at home here in Scotland and quite content at the moment.  Now if I could just get someone over here for a visit so I can share my experience with this beautiful country (no offense to my Mom, who has been here once and is coming again after the baby to help us...I love how you're always willing to go go go!).
I went to the Old Town Jail one beautiful day & took this
from the top. 
And then there's the baby that's due in only 10 weeks.  My tummy seems to be the thing that's blossoming most of all in Scotland. I am now preparing for the baby's arrival, as we got rid of all things baby before moving.  Unfortunately, many of the things I had for the girls were second hand themselves and had seen better days, so it was time to get rid.  Luckily, I have a lovely friend who has offered to loan me all her baby gear, which has only been used once and looks brand new, saving us countless amounts of money (which will make David happy...those of you who know him will understand just how much).  I only have to get some odds and ends.  The girls are good and ready for the baby to arrive, and look at me in wonder every time they are laying against me and feel a good kick.  It's so nice that they're old enough, especially Cameron, to enjoy this process.  Luckily, Cameron seems to be off the kick that the baby is absolutely GOING to be a girl, and her name will be Suzie Snowflake. 

My latest adventure was a few days in London.  David used his air miles to get me a flight, and I booked a workshop with one of my favorite authors, Byron Katie.  I left early Friday morning (by kids!!!) and was at the hotel by 11.  After changing and getting lunch, I set off for a day of sightseeing.  I spent the day at the London Tower, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye, and generally just hopping on and off the underground wherever my heart led me and having a look around.  David was in Austria and flew into London to join me for an anniversary dinner, then flew back home the next morning.  I spent Saturday in the workshop and had a wonderful day.

I think the best thing about this little trip for me was how fun it was to do it by myself.  David is such an experienced traveler that I never have to really think when we're traveling together, so this was a good way to remind myself that I can do it. Of course, what I really loved was the fact that just for one day, I didn't have to talk to anyone!  It was so nice just to be with myself.

I am looking forward to some weekend trips around Scotland this summer.  Really, this is the country I want to explore most of all.  Everything seems to be here...big cities, countryside, beaches, mountains, history...I feel so lucky to be here. 

Enjoy your summer!

Saturday 18 February 2012

The Six Month Mark

I can't believe it, but it has been six months to the day that we arrived, innocent and bright-eyed, in Scotland.  Six months later, we are tougher, stronger, and adjusted to life here.

Scotland is obviously still new enough to me that I'm still googly-eyed.  Driving to the grocery store and seeing the Stirling Castle and Wallace Monument won't, I hope, get old for quite some time.  The drives that we've taken confirm to me just how beautiful this country is, and we've not even seen much.  We have yet to drive north and see the aurora borealis, stand on the bonny bank of Loch Lomond, or take in the rocky crags of the Isle of Skye.  There is so much yet to explore.

I do believe that for me, the quality of life here is what has contributed so much to my contentment.  I've surprised myself and David with how easily I've adjusted.  It's the beauty of the country that makes me feel so happy, and the amazing opportunity to experience culture at every turn.  I'll never have to drive far to get that feeling of seeing something old that is so addictive for me.  Five minutes away is Dunblane Cathedral....the tower dates to the 12th century.  The rest of church was built in the 13th century.  That, for me, is all I need. 

My father-in-law is as interested in historic Scotland as I am, so I have someone to go everywhere with.  During the week, we've been known to take impromptu drives to castles, and one day even visited what is called a broch (pronounced bro with a long o, then the ch is a sound like you're spitting something up).  We walked through the woods and came upon the Tappoch Broch, which looks like this:

It's a round, piled stone structure with proper doorways and stairs.  This particular broch is apparently around 2000 years old.  That doesn't even seem possible to see something so incredibly old in the middle of the woods on an unmarked trail!

After seeing the broch, we stopped at Torwood Castle.  I walked around the perimeter of the building by myself, and must say that I was adequately creeped out.  If you've never been alone at a ruined castle, you may not know just how scary it can be.  You can almost feel the spirit of the people that once lived there.  This particular castle was interesting because in the 50's a local man bought the castle and spent the next 40 years of his life restoring it by himself.  I think that would make an interesting book!  In fact, in this photo you can still see the scaffolding on the left side of the castle, even though he died 15 years ago...creepy!

So, this is a place that constantly keeps me interested.  I really can't imagine ever being bored here.  Hop on a train and get anywhere comfortably and cheaply.  I wish America had a train system like this!

Now, for the down side.  I haven't had much luck in the friend department, but again, it's only been six months and it's not easy making new friends.  It takes quite a bit of energy, which I don't think I'm putting in.  There are days when I miss having a friend so badly it hurts.  Luckily, there aren't many of those days, so I just wait for them to pass. 

Certain food is really, really good here....steak pie in particular and cookies most of all.  But I find Scotland to be sadly lacking in good pizza.  I also miss good pickles and black olives with that particular American taste.  I guess there are just days when I miss familiarity. 

I also miss my hobbies back home that I haven't been able to replace yet.  The local YMCA in Madison was so amazing because I could work out and there were ladies there to watch the girls.  That made working out possible for me, and for one full year I religiously went.  Unfortunately, there are no gyms like that here, and it has made finding an opportunity to work out really difficult.  I also miss painting ceramics.

Overall, though, I have few complaints and find myself happy here.  It was the right move for me, for us. 
And the girls seem happy, too!