Wednesday 13 February 2013

It's Been A While....

Well, life marches on here in Scotland, as it seems to be doing for everyone.  It's already been a year and a half since we moved, and sometimes it feels like we've always lived here.  It's amazing how quickly life picks you up and moves you along the months and years.

Since Septemeber 9th, this is what has been keeping me quite busy:

My little guy, Callum.  What a sweetheart, what a beautiful baby.  A big boy, too, and his sisters adore him.  I really enjoy sitting back and watching Callum and Cameron especially.  The way they interact, the way each of them lights up when the other is's wonderful to see a brother and his big sister communicating in such a meaningful way.  This is definitely one of the benefits of a fairly big age gap between children. 

Day to day life here revolves mainly around getting Cameron to and from school.  Madison attends nursery (in the same building with Cameron) three days a week, and getting everyone out of the door on time is a daily challenge.  Sometimes I wish I could watch us from the outside on those mornings...maybe a different perspective might bring some humor to the situation!  But somehow I do manage to get us all there in one peice, and Cameron is thriving in school.  She is learning to read and loves her teacher, Mrs. Mcleod (pronounced Mrs. McCloud...I have no idea why). 

Oh, and she's taking gymnastics and learned to do this recently:

Wow, was she ever excited about showing me that trick!
Madison just turned four, and had a big birthday bash with 16 kids invitied (whew!).  It was worth it all, because she and Cameron had such a good time. 
I haven't been doing my exploring of Scotland since Callum's birth, but have resolved recently to pick it up again where I left off.  So last week, I gathered up my partner in adventure (David's Dad) and we headed off to Edinburgh for the day...this time with an extra little person on board.  This is what we saw:

This is Holyrood Palace, the official dwelling of the Queen when she's in Scotland.  There is a whole portion that you can tour, and it was so beautiful.  The ruins of an abbey are here, dating from 1128, while the palace dates from the 16th and 17th centuries (that bit on the left in the picture is from the 1500's).  Mary Queen of Scots stayed here in's a picture of her bedchamber:
It was a great day back out there, looking at cool things.
I also visited the Church of the Holy Rude in Stirling, which is the second oldest building in all of Scotland, founded in 1129:
My goal is to visit everything I can in the area this spring and summer, especially since I have a friend coming to visit me in April...a great opportunity to see new things. 
Hope everyone is well!